The Best Morning Routine Ideas To Improve Your Day

This post is all about amazing morning routine ideas to try.

I can’t say it enough – how you start your day matters! The morning is the start of your day, and it is essential to start each day with intent. When you start your day with a plan, you set yourself up for success.

morning routine ideas

I know it is hard to build new habits, but I promise it can be enjoyable. You just have to create a morning routine that works for you and your needs. When you create a morning routine filled with habits that make you feel good, you will start looking forward to getting up each day.

These morning routine ideas will help you create the perfect morning routine!

This post is all about morning routine ideas.

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Best Morning Routine Ideas:

Pick the morning routine ideas that align with you to create a morning routine you love.

1. Shower

Take a morning shower to help you wake up and feel energized.

2. Work Out

You can cycle, dance, walk, or do yoga to start your morning with a little movement.

3. Stretch

Take time to slowly stretch your body before you start your day. I like to watch guided stretch videos on youtube.

4. Meditate

Find a quiet space to clear your mind and sit in stillness.

5. Journal

Journaling is a great way to clear your mind. You can journal about anything from gratitude to how you are feeling. This is a must on my morning routine checklist.


I use this gratitude journal, and I love it.


6. Visualize Your Day

Visualize how you want your day to go. You could even write down how you want to spend your day and how you want to feel.

7. Open Your Blinds

Let the sunshine in!

8. Make Breakfast

Make a delicious breakfast that will nourish you. Turn on your favorite happy songs while making your breakfast to make it fun.

9. Spend Time Alone

As an introvert, this is a must in my daily routine. Spend some time alone to recharge your social battery before you start your day.

10. Spend Time With Loved Ones

Spending time with people you love (and enjoy being around) is good for the soul.

11. Get Ready For The Day

Pick out a cute outfit you feel good in, and wear your favorite hairstyle and makeup to start your morning feeling confident.

12. Clean/ Organize

Tidy up your home, or organize a space you’ve been neglecting.

13. Read

Read a new book (or an old one you enjoy).

Self-help books are my favorite. These are the books I have enjoyed reading recently.

Atomic Habits


You Are A Bad Ass


14. Make A To-Do List

Plan your day on paper, so you don’t forget to do anything important. It always feels good to check off tasks on my to-do list.

perfect morning routine

15. Drink Coffee Or Tea

Make or buy your favorite morning drink.

16. Go For A Walk

Go for a walk around your neighborhood to get some fresh air.

17. Say Positive Affirmations

These are my favorite positive affirmations to say out loud in the morning:

  • I believe in myself
  • I trust myself
  • I can do anything

18. Listen To A Podcast

Grab your headphones and put on your favorite podcast. I love podcasts that teach me something and leave me feeling inspired.

Here are some of my favorite inspirational podcasts:

  • The Bossbabe Podcast
  • On Purpose With Jay Shetty
  • How I Built This With Guy Raz

19. Make Your Bed

Make your bed as soon as you wake, so you’re not tempted to crawl back in it.

20. Drink Water

Hydrate your body by drinking a big cup of water.

This is my favorite water bottle. I love that it holds a lot of water, so I don’t have to constantly refill it.


21. Watch A Motivational Video

Watch a TED talk or motivational video on your favorite platform. I love to watch the documentary The Secret when I need a little motivation to believe in myself.


Remember, not every idea on this list will work for you and your routine. It is important to pick the morning habits that make you feel good and add them to your daily routine. Your morning routine should bring you peace and joy, and help you start your day feeling inspired.

Also, you can make more than one morning routine for yourself. For example, I have two different morning routines I like to follow depending on how I am feeling and what day of the week it is. I try to follow a productive morning routine Monday through Friday and a self-care morning routine on Sundays.

Here is an example of my productive morning routine…

This is what my productive morning routine looks like Monday through Friday.

7:30 am – Wake up

I snooze my alarm until 7:35 am, and I stretch as soon as I wake up. I will write in my gratitude journal or visualize how I want my day to go. This helps me start the day with a positive mindset.

I do not allow myself to go on my phone for the first 30 minutes of the day.

7:45 am – Wash up

I prefer to shower at night, so I wash up in the morning and brush my teeth, of course.

7:55 am – Make kid’s breakfast

I make my kids a quick breakfast and pair it with fresh fruit.

8:15 am – Get Ready

It’s time to start getting ready – I get dressed and fix my hair for the day. I also do both of my kid’s hair.

8:50 am – Take kids to school

I drop the kids off.

9:05 am – Eat breakfast and drink coffee

Once I get home, I make myself breakfast and drink coffee. I read emails and go over my to-do list for the day during this time, as well.

9:35 am – Finish getting ready and start my day

After drinking my coffee, I will put on light makeup (if I feel like wearing it) and start my day.

Here is my self-care morning routine…

My Sunday morning routine goes like this.

10:30 am – Wake up

I am naturally a night owl and love staying up late. So, I take advantage of my husband being home on Sundays, and I sleep in while he takes care of the kids. Sunday is the only day I don’t have to leave home, so I give myself extra time to lay around in the morning. Sometimes self-care looks like doing nothing, and I’m here for it.

11:00 am – Wash up

I wash up and brush my teeth, as usual. I wear a comfy outfit since Sunday is my cleaning day.

11:15 am – Eat breakfast and drink coffee

On Sunday, I have more time to eat breakfast and drink my coffee since it’s the only day I don’t work on my blog. I take my time eating and watching YouTube videos about cleaning and organizing. These videos give me the motivation to start my Sunday cleaning routine.

12:00 – Start cleaning

I spend a good portion of my Sunday cleaning my home.

Tip: Listen to music or a podcast while cleaning to make it more enjoyable.

I hope these ideas help you create the perfect morning routine!


This post was all about morning routine ideas.