31 Insanely Good Stay-At-Home Mom Hacks
This post is all about the best stay-at-home mom hacks.

Being a stay-at-home mom is HARD. When I became a stay-at-home mom, I underestimated how hard it would be. I felt extremely overwhelmed, to say the least. It can truly feel like a never-ending job at times.
I wish motherhood came with instructions or a handbook, but it doesn’t. Since there are no instructions, we are left to figure out this crazy journey on our own. I have been a stay-at-home mom for almost seven years now, and I have learned so much.
In this post, I am sharing all the mom hacks, tips, and tricks to make being a stay-at-home mom easier and more enjoyable.
This post is all about the best stay-at-home mom tips and tricks.
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Stay-At-Home Mom Cleaning Hacks:
These are the best mom hacks to make cleaning easier.
1. Dedicate 20 minutes a day to quick clean-ups
Take 20 minutes each day to tidy your home. Wipe down counters, pick up trash on the floor, and put back any items that are out of place. Quick clean-ups every day will help you stay on top of the mess and feel less overwhelmed.
Cleaning products that make mom life easier:
- Microfiber clothes to wipe down countertops and dusty areas
- Magic erasers to clean sinks, bathtubs, and walls
- Extendable tub and tile scrubber makes it easier to clean your shower/tub
2. Listen to something while you clean
Cleaning is not always fun. Make cleaning a little more enjoyable by listening to your favorite songs, books, or podcasts.
3. Clean as you cook
This is a mom hack I learned from my mom. Clean up any mess you make (when cooking) while you are still in the kitchen. For example, while I am waiting for dinner to cook I will wipe down the countertops and wash any dishes in the sink. Cleaning as you cook will stop the mess from piling up.
4. Declutter often
Did you know that clutter can negatively impact your mental health? Living with clutter can make you feel stressed and overwhelmed. Declutter every 3 – 4 months to keep your home in check. Try to go through and donate any clothes, shoes, or toys your family has outgrown or no longer uses. This will help you keep your home clutter-free and make it easier to clean.
5. Get your family involved
Don’t try to do all the cleaning yourself, have your partner and children help.
Let your partner know what they can do to help around the house, and have your children help by doing age-appropriate chores.
Read The Best Stay-At-Home Mom Cleaning Schedule to learn how to create a cleaning routine that works for you.
Stay-At-Home Mom Hacks For Cooking:
These are the best stay-at-home mom hacks to make cooking easier.
6. Plan your meals for the week
Plan out your meals for the week. Check which ingredients you have on hand, and make a list of any items you will need to pick up from the store. Planning out your meals will take the guesswork out of dinner.
I love this meal planner pad with a grocery list you can tear off and take with you.
7. Order groceries online
Going to the grocery store can be hard when you have small children. A lot of grocery stores offer grocery delivery or curbside pick-up. Check out your local grocery stores and give this option a try.
8. Use a vegetable chopper
I am all about investing in gadgets that will make cooking easier. I bought this vegetable chopper last year, and it makes chopping vegetables so much easier.
This is the one I have. It’s affordable, and I get so much use out of it.
9. Use a meat chopper to ground meat
If you make a lot of meals with ground meat, give this meat chopper tool a try. My kid’s favorite meals are spaghetti and tacos, so this meat chopper was a must-buy for me. It makes grounding up the meat so much easier and quicker.
10. Order takeout once a week
Give yourself a break from cooking, and order takeout once a week. You will get a much-needed break from cooking and the pile of dishes after dinner.
Stay-At-Home Mom Hacks For Self-Care:
These are the best self-care hacks for stay-at-home moms.
11. Spend time outdoors
Did you know that walking outside has numerous benefits and can make you happier? It’s true. Take a walk around your neighborhood or a local park.
12. Get dressed
I know it is tempting to stay in your pajamas all day when you have little ones to take care of, but make it a priority to get ready a few days a week. Put on a cute (and comfy outfit), brush your hair, and put on a little makeup for a confidence boost. This is a way to remind yourself that you still have it.
13. Move your body
Try to get a little movement in each day for your overall health. You can go for a walk (or walk around your home), dance, or follow a workout video.
I am obsessed with these workout leggings. They are super soft, affordable, and hold the “mom pouch” in.
14. Forgive yourself when you make a mistake
Being a mom is hard, and you may make a mistake (or two or three) while raising your children. Try to learn from your mistakes and give yourself grace. Don’t beat yourself up when you make a mistake. Learn from it, forgive yourself, and move on.
15. Do one small act of kindness for yourself each day
Doing one small thing you enjoy is a simple way to care for yourself. This can be making your favorite drink (mine is iced coffee) or watching an episode of your favorite TV. show before bed. Just try to squeeze in one thing that brings you joy every day.
16. Remind Yourself That Hard Times Are Temporary
Some stages of motherhood will be harder than others.
Some of the stages you will enjoy and some will be a challenge. But, it will eventually get easier. Please remind yourself in challenging times that the hard times are temporary, and things will get better.
Productivity Hacks For Stay-At-Home Moms:
These are the best productivity tips for stay-at-home moms.
17. Focus on sleep
Try to get as much sleep as you can. I know sleep does not come easy when you have little ones, so I am not going to tell you to aim for 8 hours a night. But, try to sleep a little earlier when you can. You will feel better overall and be more productive.
It is also helpful to create a relaxing bedtime routine for yourself. I included my bedtime routine below for you to use as an example.
My bedtime routine (after my kids fall asleep):
- Watch a 30-minute TV. show – I watch something light-hearted. This gives me a chance to unwind from the day and do something I enjoy.
- Make a to-do list for the next day – this makes it easy for me to remember what I need to do, so I am not lying awake thinking of all the things I need to do.
- Set my alarms for the next day, and finish up anything I need to do on my phone.
- I do not go on my phone or watch TV. at least 30 minutes before bed. This helps me fall asleep more easily.
- 30 minutes before bed I stretch, read, and meditate. I sometimes struggle with anxiety before bed, and doing these 3 things has helped me feel more relaxed at bedtime.
Create a bedtime routine that works for you. Your routine should make you feel calm and relaxed.
18. Plan and schedule everything
Plan, plan, plan. To be productive as a stay-at-home mom you need to plan everything. I know it sounds crazy, but this is how I get things done with two kids and little help. I plan out my days Monday through Friday from night to morning. Planning your day helps you stay on track and see what needs to be done.
Once you have your plan, you are going to schedule the important things you need to do just like you would a doctor’s appointment. For example, if you want to prioritize working out on Mondays, you are going to add it to your calendar, set a time, set a reminder for yourself (I set an alarm on my phone), and get it done when it’s time.
You can use this formula for any task you need to get done. This helps me stay on track and focus on the important things I need to do.

19. Independent play
If you have a toddler or child, setting them up to play independently will help you get things done. I know how hard it can be to accomplish small tasks when you are the main caretaker for your children. I have found it extremely helpful to set my toddler up with an activity (or two) that she can do on her own while I get things done around the home.
20. Ask for help
Taking care of little ones is a full-time job, so ask for help from your partner or a trusted family member or friend when you need it.
There is no need to try to be supermom because you will end up miserable and burnt out (I know from experience), so communicate your needs with your partner. Let them know how they can help.
21. Take breaks
One of the best ways to stay productive as a mom is to take a break when you need to. I found the key to staying productive is to not overwork yourself to the point of burnout.
22. Plan for off days
My last productivity tip for moms is to plan for an off day or two. Life as a mom is unpredictable, and things you can’t control will happen. You may have days when your little one is sick or your baby doesn’t sleep well, and you may not complete any of the tasks you had planned. Remind yourself that it’s okay not to be productive every single day.
It’s unrealistic to be productive every day as a mom, so plan for off days. I try to be productive Monday through Friday and give myself the weekends off.
How To Have Fun As A Stay-At-Home Mom:
Read these hacks to learn how to have fun as a stay-at-home mom.
23. Have a date night with your partner
Call a babysitter, and spend a night out getting dinner and a movie with your partner. If you don’t have a babysitter put the kids to bed a little early, order takeout, and watch a movie with your partner at home.
24. Spend time with a friend
Invite your favorite friend over, and catch up with one another. If it’s not possible to meet up in person, try scheduling a Facetime date instead.

25. Have a movie night at home
Home movie nights are so fun, and you can include your kids. Get the popcorn and snacks ready and watch a family movie together.
26. Family game night
Break out the board games and have a family game night.
Some fun games to play with smaller kids are Jenga, Candy Land, and Trouble.
More Stay-At-Home Mom Life Hacks You Should Know:
Here are some other helpful mom hacks to simplify your life.
27. Routines make life easier
Creating a daily routine that works for you and your family will make your days easier. When you follow a routine, it will take the guesswork out of each day. Routines are also a great way to build good habits and stay productive as a stay-at-home mom.
28. Make a to-do list to stay organized
This is my top tip to stay organized as a stay-at-home mom.
Life as a stay-at-home mom is hectic. Keeping a to-do list of the things you want/need to get done will help you stay on track. You can write out a list on paper or use an app on your phone. I like to use the Google Keep app.
29. Keep Cold Medicine And A Thermometer In Your Medicine Cabinet
When your child has a fever and feels sick, the last thing you want to do is take them out to the store. Always keep a thermometer, and cold medicine (for your child’s age) stocked in your medicine pile, so you don’t have to make a run to the store with a sick baby.
30. You can use a magic eraser to remove crayons from walls
These magic erasers will easily remove crayon markings off the walls.
Just wet the magic eraser and scrub the area that needs cleaning. The crayon markings will instantly come off. I always keep a pack of these in my home.
31. Have an easy-access snack drawer
Fill up a drawer in your house with snacks that your kids can access on their own. If your kids like to eat a thousand snacks a day like mine, this will help save you a few trips to the kitchen.
Make sure you save this list of hacks for stay-at-home moms to make your life easier and share it with a mom friend.
This post was all about the best stay-at-home mom hacks.